Photo: Tuareg 1989, by Antspin, on Flickr (Note: some rights reserved)
There are three different petitions circulating for Peace In Niger (one is in three languages, so five petitions total). So far, at least 1,979 individuals and organizations have signed the petitions. All the petitions are asking for essentially the same thing -- NEGOTIATION for PEACE in NIGER, and NO MORE VIOLENCE.
Summary of the Petitions for Peace In Niger:
Petition A "Appel À La Paix Au Niger" (French)
June 19, 2007 - Dec. 29, 2007
Original version:
Edited / current version:
Appel du 18 Juin 2007, Grenoble
Le Collectif en faveur d’une paix durable au Niger
604 signatures as of Dec. 29, 2007
Petition B "Petition for Peace In Niger" (English)
July 15, 2007 - Jan. 14, 2008
International Coalition for Peace in Niger
436 signatures as of Jan. 14, 2008 (petition was closed temporarily on Jan. 14, and may re-open)
Petition C "Peace In Niger" (French, English and German)
Includes Tuareg Associations and Human Rights Associations
French: 470 signatures
English 185 signatures
German 284 signatures
Total: 939 signatures as of Jan. 15, 2008
Total signatures of all of the petitions:
1,979 individuals and organizations